Design and manufacture of complete solutions for water treatment

Linaë® is an innovative concept for water purification, process water treatment and wastewater treatment units.

Engineering study, design and implementation of complete water treatment solutions

Potabilization of sea and surface water

Linaë® PURE offers potabilization units for surface and well water.

Wastewater treatment

Linaë® INDUSTRY offers wastewater treatment units

Industrial water recycling

Linaë® INDUSTRY offers industrial water treatment units


Sanitation and water authority of Puy-en-Velay (France): installation of a surface water treatment unit for the production of drinkable water.

Sanitation and water authority of Puy-en-Velay (France): installation of a surface water treatment unit for the production of drinkable water. The catchment of the Barret source, […]

Meeting to the National Office of Drinking Water in Morocco (Rabat)

Meeting to the National Office of Drinking Water in Morocco (Rabat) Wednesday, March 5 2015, we presented our products to the National Office of Drinking Water […]